Stainless Steel Water Bottles Sep 1st, 2015   [viewed 42 times]


Ever since water bottle became popular because of their convenient use, a wide variety of reusable water bottle were produced and manufactured all throughout the globe. They come in many sizes, colors, shapes, and main materials that are made from plastic, stainless steel, glass, or aluminum.


If you want a very long-lasting and lightweight water container, and at the same time, concerned about environment and health issues, you might want to purchase bottles made of stainless steel.

        Here are the reasons why:

  1. A stainless steel bottle is made from culinary-grade stainless steel that does not contain any harmful chemicals therefore it keeps its contents safe from toxins, rust, and metallic tastes. They are also eco-friendly and can be easily recycled.
  2. Stainless steel water bottle are very durable and can withstand forces like falling and crushing, and weather conditions. This is why they are preferred by adventurers and athletes (Probott water bottle) because they are not easily broken or misshapen during extreme sports activities. It is also good for children because (especially for school bottle) once these bottles come in contact with the floor or any hard surfaces due to dropping, they do not break into pieces thus keeping the children safe from wounds caused by the small and sharp objects.
  3. Stainless steel water bottles keep the temperature of the contents the same for many hours. They are good product for insulation that is why water can stay hot for almost six hours and cold for more than ten hours at the very least.
  4. They are easy to clean; all you need is warm water and a liquid cleaning agent. They can also be safe when cleaned in dishwashers.
  5. Lastly, these water bottles are visually attractive. They come in many shapes that would easily catch attention. They are shiny on the outside and can be of various colors other than metallic ones.            
  6.                                                                                    A problem with stainless steel water bottles is that some of them are not made up of 100% stainless steel. Just because some of those are made of metal, it does not mean that it is stainless steel. There are those bottles that are stainless steel on the outside but plastic on the inside which means it is not safe to for hot water to be stored inside. When you are looking for a good stainless steel water bottle, you have to make sure that it is totally made up of food-grade stainless steel with the absence of any plastic or aluminum content in the bottle’s interior. You also have to carefully look for labels or any information on the bottles that inform you about what they are made of. Stainless steel water bottle online have also become popular nowadays because of the convenience and benefits that they offer. A lot of them can be found here at ShoppersGreed .